Thursday 10 February 2011

YEAR 3: Martin Parr Food Photography

Just a little bit of background information about the following images... See the link to his website if you are intrigued...

Martin Parr is a British documentary photographer, aiming to capture an honest picture of society, our greed and values in modern suburban life.

He uses high saturation colour film...

'At first glance, his photographs seem exaggerated or even grotesque. The motifs he chooses are strange, the colours are garish and the perspectives are unusual. Parr's term for the overwhelming power of published media is 'propaganda'... his photographs are original and entertaining, accessible and understandable. But at the same time they show us how we live, how we present ourselves to others, and what we value.'

Gather a selection of the small food photographs and print them in colour for next lesson. They should fill one and a half pages in your A5 sketchbook so I would recommend around 12 but of course this is just a guide. You do not need to stick the images in or produce any writing in relation to them at this stage... Just the colour images will be perfect.

1 comment:

K said...

Oooh these images are fantastic. Had not heard of him before but will definitely look into this work a little further...
Kindest regards