Wednesday 21 April 2010

Year 3 Day 4 P5/6

Picasso's mythical minotaur etchings and prints...

I would like you make rough notes for homework on the image above. The print that we worked on today in class depicts a narrative scene featuring several characters... What I would like to know is who are the characters? What are they doing? What has just happened? What is about to happen? Do they know each other? What is the mood of the image?

This is information that you can either find out via the internet or books if you like and use it to inspire the written piece you will make to accompany your transcription. This writing can be completely fictional and from your imagination, but should be a personal response to the image. This cycle I would like you to make notes that we will share as a group during the lesson. This need not be lengthy, just familiarise yourself with the image and the composition...

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