Monday 15 November 2010

Thursday 6 May 2010

Year 4: Food that describes another culture

Page of images and two drawings describing food from one other culture...

Japanese culture

Jewish culture

Hispanic culture

Year 3 Homework

Create a narrative based on the minotaur etching by Picasso that we have studied during lesson time...

This can be based on what you already know about the characters in the print or complete fiction. The text should accompany your drawing and the image of the etching itself and should include the location, the characters, the way they interact and their role within the scenario...

If you have any problems see me, I do not mind if this piece is hand written or typed, as long as it is well presented!

Year 1BKM and 1KMT: Favourite Things

For next lesson gather images of your favourite things... This can be from the internet, from catalogues from photographs or books, just bring in a selection of images to work from...

My examples...

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Year 1KMT Tom Phillips Homework

Reflect upon the work and the discussion we had during last lesson... Introduce the work of Tom Phillips, comment on his inspiration, his technique and the way in which he created his book 'A Humument'... What interests me most is your own response to his work. Make notes on what you think about the techniques we used for the transcription, your choice of colour and the mood... This should only take you 20 minutes, please don't spend any more time on it. Could you type these notes and bring them in next lesson...

Any problems see me, so impressed with your transcription page. Your photographs are being photocopied and will be ready for you to collect before next lesson if you need them.

Friday 23 April 2010

Year 1BKM Tom Phillips Homework

Gather 3 Tom Phillips images for your books to complete your research page started in the lesson. I would prefer it if you found your own images using the Tom Phillips Humument page or by searching Google images... Yo do not need to stick these in to your book just yet, make sure they are ready to cut out...
Any problems see me...

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Year 3 Day 4 P5/6

Picasso's mythical minotaur etchings and prints...

I would like you make rough notes for homework on the image above. The print that we worked on today in class depicts a narrative scene featuring several characters... What I would like to know is who are the characters? What are they doing? What has just happened? What is about to happen? Do they know each other? What is the mood of the image?

This is information that you can either find out via the internet or books if you like and use it to inspire the written piece you will make to accompany your transcription. This writing can be completely fictional and from your imagination, but should be a personal response to the image. This cycle I would like you to make notes that we will share as a group during the lesson. This need not be lengthy, just familiarise yourself with the image and the composition...

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Year 4 Homework for Friday

Leonardo Da Vinci: The Last Supper

Produce a research page based on this image using the photographic transcriptions we looked at during the lesson. I am not going to upload the other examples for you as I want you to make the decision as to which images you choose for your page. If you google 'The Last Supper' it will throw up lots of images inspired by the above painting... Choose about 3 for your book and don't forget to leave space at the bottom of your page for the photographic transcription we staged during the lesson... It is a treat!

Year 1BKM and Year 1KMT

Gather photographs of yourselves, friends and family, both old and new, for next lesson. I appreciate that some of these photos may be precious so if you can scan the originals or I can take a photocopy for you so you can keep the sentimental ones at home! Bringing them in an envelope would be a real help too. I look forward to seeing them...
Here are a couple of mine!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Year 3 info for new students

One of the best and simplest websites I found to gather research and information about David Hockney is If you have a little look around the website you can click 'WORKS' and then 'PHOTOS' followed by 'PHOTO MONTAGE' this then gives you information specifically about his photography. There is more general information about him under the 'ABOUT' tab.

If you cut your folded page on the crease you then have two small sides if you need them both to write about and respond to his work. Discuss the composition, the way the images have been pieced together and the effect this has on the overall image. On the next full page, which will be partly covered by the little half page you can print and stick the images below, re size them in Word or Publisher and pop them in your books. Hopefully you will have a little more of an idea about the work we have been doing as a year group.
If you have any problems come and see me or use the 'comment' tool...

Friday 26 March 2010

Year 4 Holiday Prepwork

Just a quick recap for any of you sausages that might have lost your instruction sheet...
  • Make a series of pencil drawings of broken pieces of Easter egg... This should be a hollow egg so that it breaks into fragile crooked pieces... Six studies on your A3 page would be sufficient

  • A series of colour drawings (coloured pencil, watercolour, collage) of brightly coloured Easter sweets. Try to aim for a combination of coloured sweets and brightly coloured wrappers. I have suggested 9 small studies, however, 6 as a minimum. Just one side of A3...

  • Research the work of an artist from a non western culture. The exhibition at the Saatchi at the moment is showing the work of Indian Artists:
Research the work of one of the artists exhibiting here, or somebody that you find elsewhere. Try the Tate website who have recently exhibited the work of Chris Ofili or perhaps the Urbis who showed works by Emory Douglas last year
  • Finally photograph one of the meals you have over Easter. I know you don't all have an Easter Sunday meal, but perhaps a Sunday roast or a meal you have while on holiday or with friends. These images should be full or interest and colour, so please no cheese sandwiches!

Have a lovely Easter and if you have any problems use the comment button below and I will get back to you when I get back a week on Tuesday...



Year 1 Old Books

If at all possible it would be great if you could bring in an old hardback book for the first lesson of next term. This should not be a precious book as we are going to work directly onto the pages with paint and collage, so should either be an old book from home or a cheap charity shop find, the more battered and smelly paged the better!

The content of the book is unimportant as we are going to paint the majority of the pages. The book needs to be no bigger than A4 size and smaller if possible. If you have any problems just use the 'comment' tool below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Have a lovely break...

Thursday 25 March 2010

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Documenting the printing process...

I would like you to document the printing process that I demonstrated during the lesson in bullet points...

The images I have included should act as prompts, to help you remember the most important parts of the process...

The process should be recorded step by step, if you have any problems see me before the end of term. You should start the task on a clean page...

Sunday 21 March 2010

Food Tech group homework

Just to recap the bits you might need to finish off in your sketchbooks before we start to print next lesson...

  • If you haven't already commented on the work of David Hockney and his photomontages I would like you to discuss the process and the overall look and effect of the imagery. What do they communicate? How do they differ from just one single photograph in terms of repetition and various viewpoints?

The "joiners"
David Hockney has also worked with photography, or, more precisely, photocollage. Using varying numbers of small Polaroid snaps or photolab-prints of a single subject Hockney arranged a patchwork to make a composite image. Because these photographs are taken from different perspectives and at slightly different times, the result is work that has an affinity with Cubism, which was one of Hockney's major aims—discussing the way human vision works. Some of these pieces are landscapes such as Pearblossom Highway #2,[1][2] others being portraits, e.g. Kasmin 1982,[3] and My Mother, Bolton Abbey, 1982.[4]
These photomontage works appeared mostly between 1970 and 1986. He referred to them as "joiners".[5] He began this style of art by taking Polaroid photographs of one subject and arranging them into a grid layout. The subject would actually move while being photographed so that the piece would show the movements of the subject seen from the photographer's perspective. In later works Hockney changed his technique and moved the camera around the subject instead.
Hockney's creation of the "joiners" occurred accidentally. He noticed in the late sixties that photographers were using cameras with wide-angle lenses to take pictures. He did not like such photographs because they always came out somewhat distorted. He was working on a painting of a living room and terrace in Los Angeles. He took Polaroid shots of the living room and glued them together, not intending for them to be a composition on their own. Upon looking at the final composition, he realized it created a narrative, as if the viewer was moving through the room. He began to work more and more with photography after this discovery and even stopped painting for a period of time to exclusively pursue this new style of photography. Frustrated with the limitations of photography and its 'one eyed' approach,[6] he later returned to painting.

  • If you have not documented the photography shoot that you did, this needs to be completed underneath the contact sheet of tiny photographs that I printed for you... This need not be in great length but should aim to explain how you took the photos, why you chose that location and how you chose the composition (vertical, horizontal etc.)

  • Your Sean Hillen imagery should also be pasted into your books, leaving space for a written response, which we will discuss as a group at the start of next lesson...

Any problems before then, see me next week...

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Year 1 Homework

To complete your Rob Ryan research page I would like you to find out the following...

What type of art does Rob Ryan specialise in?

What tools might he use?

What do his images depict? What type of subject matter does he usually work with?

What do you think about the way his work looks? Think about the vocabulary we used to describe the work of Tord Boontje.

You don't need to write reams and reams, but if you lay your page out like the example below you should have enough space for some writing...

As always see me before the start of next lesson if you get stuck... Have a lovely weekend.

Monday 15 March 2010

Evaluating the etching process...

Bullet point...
  • Tools... Etching needle, photo paper

  • Method...

  • Surface qualities

You do not need to write in great detail but should be thorough about the technique and tools you have used... Make reference to the photo that I took of you working if you need to..

Any questions see me before the start of next lesson...

Sunday 14 March 2010

Year 2PT Homework

I would like you to briefly document the animation process we covered during the lesson in bullet points. This should be typed if possible or neatly hand written. Following this and the discussion we ended the lesson on, I would like you to evaluate how you worked as a group, what you felt went particularly well and what you think you could have improved upon...

This piece of writing will be stuck into your sketchbooks during next lesson, along with the photographs I took of you shooting the animation...

Well done on Friday, I was proud of the way you worked together and I am so looking forward to seeing the final clips!

See me during the week if you have any problems...

Thursday 11 March 2010

Year 4: Alternative printmaking techniques

Research one of these processes, including examples of prints produced and a transcription, making reference to an artist if possible. YouTube has lots of clips like the screen printing clip I showed you yesterday which might help you to understand the techniques a little better...

Screen printing

Friday 26 February 2010

Sean Hillen Year 3 Homework

Sorry I haven't updated this sooner, all I would like you to do is choose 5 images from the selection below and print them, ready to stick in your books during the lesson... sorry for any confusion.

Hillen produces photo montages of mythical environments, based on his home country of Northern Ireland. His work has been heavily influenced by the troubles and conflicts the country has seen over the years. His images are a collaborations of photographs and found imagery.

"These are scalpel-and-glue photo montages. The older ones were made between 1983 and 93, were always based on my own documentary photographs made in northern Ireland, and were somehow related to and to an extent engaged in, the northern conflict.I was born and grew up in Newry, a small but sometimes busy town just on the northern side of the Irish Border. Situated just at the head of the picturesque lough in the 'Gt. Pyramids' picture, it has experienced more than enough of the 'troubles'.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Year 4 Woodcut Artists Research

George Baselitz

Michael Rothenstein

When you are completing your research page you need to include both visual research and written research in the form of 2 transcriptions and information surrounding the work...

I want to know;

How the work was made?

What was the inspiration for the subject matter?

How the maker created the prints?

What do you think? Why did you choose the artist you did?

Consider colour, composition, line and contrast...