Thursday 10 February 2011

YEAR 3: Martin Parr Food Photography

Just a little bit of background information about the following images... See the link to his website if you are intrigued...

Martin Parr is a British documentary photographer, aiming to capture an honest picture of society, our greed and values in modern suburban life.

He uses high saturation colour film...

'At first glance, his photographs seem exaggerated or even grotesque. The motifs he chooses are strange, the colours are garish and the perspectives are unusual. Parr's term for the overwhelming power of published media is 'propaganda'... his photographs are original and entertaining, accessible and understandable. But at the same time they show us how we live, how we present ourselves to others, and what we value.'

Gather a selection of the small food photographs and print them in colour for next lesson. They should fill one and a half pages in your A5 sketchbook so I would recommend around 12 but of course this is just a guide. You do not need to stick the images in or produce any writing in relation to them at this stage... Just the colour images will be perfect.

Monday 15 November 2010

Thursday 6 May 2010

Year 4: Food that describes another culture

Page of images and two drawings describing food from one other culture...

Japanese culture

Jewish culture

Hispanic culture

Year 3 Homework

Create a narrative based on the minotaur etching by Picasso that we have studied during lesson time...

This can be based on what you already know about the characters in the print or complete fiction. The text should accompany your drawing and the image of the etching itself and should include the location, the characters, the way they interact and their role within the scenario...

If you have any problems see me, I do not mind if this piece is hand written or typed, as long as it is well presented!

Year 1BKM and 1KMT: Favourite Things

For next lesson gather images of your favourite things... This can be from the internet, from catalogues from photographs or books, just bring in a selection of images to work from...

My examples...

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Year 1KMT Tom Phillips Homework

Reflect upon the work and the discussion we had during last lesson... Introduce the work of Tom Phillips, comment on his inspiration, his technique and the way in which he created his book 'A Humument'... What interests me most is your own response to his work. Make notes on what you think about the techniques we used for the transcription, your choice of colour and the mood... This should only take you 20 minutes, please don't spend any more time on it. Could you type these notes and bring them in next lesson...

Any problems see me, so impressed with your transcription page. Your photographs are being photocopied and will be ready for you to collect before next lesson if you need them.

Friday 23 April 2010

Year 1BKM Tom Phillips Homework

Gather 3 Tom Phillips images for your books to complete your research page started in the lesson. I would prefer it if you found your own images using the Tom Phillips Humument page or by searching Google images... Yo do not need to stick these in to your book just yet, make sure they are ready to cut out...
Any problems see me...